“Suicide prevention is very personal to me, because mental illness has ravaged my family. I have lost two first cousins and a father to suicide.”
Having faced suicide in her own family multiple times, this remarkable woman decided to turn her anguish into fuel for helping others. She created a pilot social-media campaign to raise awareness and money for Cornerstone Montgomery, a local non-profit, mental-health services provider.
This innovative campaign partnered with nail salons and spas to attract customers during the week surrounding World Mental Health Day. The project raised $2,000 and helped local salons and spas elevate their brands and boost sales through increased social-media publicity. Each salon and spa made a tax-deductible donation to participate. Matching funds were also sought from banks and other institutions.
How Did movingStories Help?
- Filmed and edited promotional fundraising video
- Provided social-media campaign support
- Created campaign logo & supporting graphics